Thursday, February 14, 2013

Day 3 - Ali Mazrui

When you're retired, every day is a vacation. So of course, I slept in as I do once in a while. I got up, channel-surfed, and ran across a public access station showing "The Africans: A Triple Heritage (1986)".

I came in on "Program 4: Tools of Exploitation". This is a fascinating study, told from an African point of view. For what it's worth, I give it the highest recommendation I can muster.

This gentleman isn't just some rabble-rouser or shade-tree Aristotle. Dr. Mazrui got his Doctorate in Philosophy from Oxford University in 1966, and is an internationally renowned expert in African/Islamic Studies and global culture.

Even without seeing every scene or hearing every word, it appears this series was well-thought-out. Of course, there may have been something said or shown that may shock my sensibilities, but the parts I've seen so far are insightful and wise.

If you are so inclined, check it out. I think you'll be impressed. I am.

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